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W.K.C. Championship Show 2016 Critique

What an enjoyable day I had, a super entry these days with so many beautiful Deerhounds present!  Almost all exhibits were presented in very good condition. Some lighter eyes than prefered and do not forget that the ears should be rose-shaped. Construction was overall very good. Temperaments? A subject which should never be questioned in Deerhounds. Very happy to see my BoB placed second in a very strong Hound Group.

MPD (1, 0) 1 Thomas Greyflax Blueberry Hill. A very promising youngster. Well developed for his age. Very nice head with dark eyes, lovely front assembly, curvy body and moved well. Very well handled.

JD (4, 1)1 Peach's Rubeus Hagrid To Kilbourne NAF. Balanced built youngster, lovely shape good head with hazel colour eyes. Good angulations and very good top-line. Moves very well.
2 Owen's Wolfscastle Meredith. Masculine youngster with moderate angulations. Very good coat, just needs to improve in front movement.3 Minton's Clanardwood Summer Hawk

PGD (5, 4) 1 Constantine's Kaleginy The Forester. His name covers very positively his looks, - a workman type hound. Head with a lovely expression and ears which could be better folded. Very shapely outline and a sound mover.

LD (8, 1)
1 Mckinnon's Finlas At Claonaiglen, I noticed his potential when he was a youngster and I gave him a third out off three, since then he settled. Lovely head with super ears, strong neck, well made body. He still behaves like a stallion and I guess he is anything else but easy to handle but there is so much quality. He moves very sound from all angles and reminds me in some ways Earl II, drawn by Arthur Wardle. CC
2 Finnett's & Heathcote's Hyndsight Desperado a lot to like about him, very curvy, strong neck, pleasing head, very well angulated, would just like to see him move with more ease and stretch out more in the rear. Res. CC
3 Grimshaw's Greyflax The Jazz Singer To Jamalison

OD (1, 0) 1 Taylor's Kilbourne Usher To Ormanstar Ever so well handled male with a lovely outline, beautiful head, strong neck, very good chest and good on the move just a little unsound in the rear.

MPB (2, 1) 1 Bailey's Greyflax Lady Sings The Blu's, gorgeous puppy with a very feminine expression. Curvy outlines and a very happy movement.

PB (3, 1)
1 Peach's Blixten Star To Kilbourne (Imp) Haven't seen an eleven month old bitch showing so much quality for a long time. Beautiful head and expression, body all curves, moves ever so sound and presented in ever so good condition.
2 Lewis's Luckhurst Paloma another eleven month old youngster of different type. At the moment a bit too moderate in front and rear. Strong head and very hard condition, harsh coat.

JB (5, 2)
1 Helps' Beardswood Taisie Very nice outlines. Good proportions and very balanced build. Feminine expression and dark eyes. Lovely bitch to go over but her ears are not her fortune.
2 Mckinnon's Caonaiglen Carron A workman-like type bitch, very sound mover, medium hazel coloured eyes, a bit too much top-line from my point off view.
3 Taylor's Minerva Mcgonagall Of Ormanstar

PGB (14, 5)
1 Finnett's & Heathcote's Hyndsight Because The Night. So curvy, substantial but also very feminine and showing herself today to the best. Watching her side-movement is a pleasure, long powerful effortless stride but coming and going - A lesson for soundness - CC, BoB
2 Wragg's Neroche Juno. Lovely outlines, beautiful head and expression. Matching front and rear and a honest and sound mover.
3 Mckinnon's Claonaiglen Collusca

LB (7, 1)
1 Wilbraham's Marivon Fallon. A very ballanced bitch, stood out in her class as there is hardly anything to fault her. Typical head and expression. - a bit less weight would do her ever so good! Moved very sound and very well handled. A very nice bitch to go over. Res. CC
2 Helps' Beardswood Quintessence. A typical honest bitch. Classic outlines, excellent coat and on the move sound from all angles.
3 Bailey's Greyflax Teen Spirit

OB (6, 3)
1 Helps', Dove's & Dove's Foxcliffe Classic Liberty Freedom At Beardswood . Classic outlines, very nice head and expression with hazelnut coloured eyes, very nice top- and underline. Moved very well and presented in very good condition.
2 Bailey's Ch Greyflax Just Peachy. A stylish bitch built on long lines. Very nice head and expression, moved well but would like to see a stronger top-line.
3 Constantine Gentiehun Adelaide Of Kaleginy

Björn Fritz